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Writer's pictureHolly Hrywnak

So...You've been rejected.

So….you got a rejection e-mail/phone call. Now what?

The very first step after you get the dreaded news is hold your head up high and keep going. It can be deflating and discouraging to hear a company doesn’t want to hire you-- especially if you were really excited about the position or the brand. You’ve invested time and energy into the process so it can feel like a waste, but there’s a lot we can learn through a rejection!

Rejection sucks when on the job market or the dating scene, but it’s not the end. There is a position out there for you where you can and will thrive. Rejection allows you to refine what YOU want out of a new employer and the part you will play on that team!

Secondly, remind yourself this isn’t personal. I can tell you 9 out of 10 times I’ve had to send a rejection letter it was because the candidate just didn’t have the right mix of skills or experience the hiring manager was looking for. Hiring managers (the good ones) know exactly what they want and will ask very clear, direct questions to see if a candidate fits their needs. In that case, it’s a simple misalignment. No harm. No foul.

On the other hand, there are a few observations I have made over the years regarding some other reasons why a candidate might be rejected. I thought I would share these with you as a tool to help prepare you for those future interviews!

Clear and Well Paced Speech. (Communication)

It may seem silly, but one of the first things an interviewer will notice is how clearly you’re communicating. This will include how fast you're talking and how well you enunciate your words. Make it a habit to slow down, speak clearly and explain yourself thoroughly. If you need clarification on a question, ask for it.

Get in the practice of giving yourself a few moments to collect your thoughts. There’s nothing wrong with a pause. This lets the interviewer know you’re being mindful and truly considering their question and not offering a canned response.

Friendliness Matters. (Attitude)

A real quick way to turn an interviewer off is by giving them attitude when they are asking questions. That’s….like….part of the process, ya know? They’re going to go in-depth into your experience and background to uncover qualities or aspects that might not be visible from reading a simple resume.

Hiring managers have made it a point to let me know if candidates don’t treat me well, as a recruiting consultant, then they aren’t interested in pursuing a conversation with them. A candidate could have a golden ticket resume, but if they’re a jerk they’re a pass.

In general, attitude matters. If you come off aloof or uninterested that’s noticed! Share why you’re excited about that position/company. I promise you this IS something they are wanting to hear!

Hopefully, this gives you some more insight into what hiring managers/interviewers are looking for when hiring someone. This obviously isn’t an all inclusive list of reasons why a person might be rejected, but some things to keep in mind when being interviewed.

As always, reach out to us if you could use some interview tips or another set of eyes to look over your resume. We’d love to help you get hired!

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